Monday, March 21, 2011

Been a while, since I gon' messed things up just like I always do.

Had to look at my gamercard to see what I been up to. Turns out not much. But that must mean I'm being a good parent, right?

Brutal Legend - I don't know what all the genre snowjob complaints were. It takes like 2 minutes to find out this game is not an action game. My first tip? The combat is terrible.

Castlevania HD - Yeah I'm back. Whatever. Overpriced DLC be damned, I like to grind. We'll see if the faq ever gets updated again (hint: it won't!)

Dead Rising 2 - Never has accidentally erasing a save game resulted in more joy. Oh no, I'll have to murder all those zombies again with those custom weapons, what infernal suffering!

Final Fantasy XIII - Guess what? I finally gave up on this turd sandwich. Maybe if I. . ha ha ha no. This game sucks.

Force Unleashed 2 - /sad face

Limbo - Hands down the best damned murder a small child in the dark forest simulator I've ever played.

Marvel vs Capcom 3 - Whats not to like? Well, okay, there's a lot not to like. But all in all, a solid entry. Unless you like endings. Or music. Or characters that aren't Sentinel or Dante.

Red Dead Redemption - Boy is this game good. Like, really good. Like, paid actual money for it good. Why does Rockstar keep beating gritty urban GTAs into the ground when the formula works so much better every where else. Can you imagine this with space ships and laser sounds? pew pew vroom zwoop!

Scott Pilgrim - Legit beat'm up. Finally took it down. Shame about the online multi though. I know, it had to be out in time for the movie but c'mon, Facebook has proven we don't want to see our friends in person. Don't force your vile social experiment on me Ubisoft.

Super Street Fighter 4 - You know if you take financial and competitive commitment out of the equation, this games not half bad. Then its just that game where you get to rub oil on people and fire them into walls with the power of your thigh muscles.

Up next, bulletstorm is on the way, and I've finally got a reason to return to Rapture. Will mortal kombat ever come out? Am I actually considering not buying Portal 2? All this and more whenever Thom forces me to write on this thing again!


1 comment:

ZeroAnd09 said...

Greatest review of Limbo, ever. Even better than mine.

I really wanted to like Scott Pilgrim, but the game keeps crashing and freezing at random intervals. If I could get through a level without having to reset my Xbox more than once, I may have beaten it by now.