Monday, November 15, 2010

Dont Hate Black Ops because Treyarch made it

Hate TreyArch for making BlackOps. I haven't even finished the campaign , mostly because the camera shakes like you're playing the role of Michael J Fox and the story couldn't be less interesting. I actually cared about Soap, Ghost, and Roach and what happened to them.... it shows because I can remember their names and I haven't played MW2 since January of this year and I finished the story mode in December of last year. I played CoD:BO last night and cant remember my guy's name. MW1 and MW2 both had a really nice flow to the story, Black Ops is just a series of flashbacks and a buncha flashing numbers on the screen.

Enough harping on the campaign mode, COD is supposed to be all about the online. The only thing worse then the campaign IS the multiplayer. Now I'm not going to pretend that I'm the best or even really good at FPS games, because I'm not. As bad/good as I am I actually had FUN playing MW2 online. Again, I'm not gonna gush on MW2's multiplayer, it was not without its faults but I never had worry about turning the corner and getting killed by a damn remote controlled car! How bad is it? This game is single handedly ruining my childhood memories of playing RC Pro-Am on my NES. I'd rather be tactically nuked.

I was in mid post with this when Tru Fenix and I were discussing, and Im not entirely sure I could have stated what I think about the game any better then this (and he didnt even have to play it!)

"no see, thats all activisions genius plan idiots will buy it as long as it sas CoD on it
so while they wait for IW to make a good game, they have treyarch fill in the blanks with whatever bullshit they can so now we have JFK and Castro killing zombies playing L4D in the whitehouse despite the fact it has dick to do with anything else at all....and dont forget the fact they pretty much fired IW"

I personally am hoping to rush through the campaign so I can trade it back in for $20 and get a good game, like Fall Out: New Vegas. I can only hope that when I pick up Assassin's Creed:Brotherhood tomorrow it'll help me wash the taste of BO out of my mouth /pun

PS:Also, you're an idiot with too much money if you bothered spending the extra $90 for the hardened Edition

1 comment:

Fenix said...

If I see one more commercial for the goddamned Jeep I am going to set Activision HQ on fire. Sorry WoW players.