Monday, September 17, 2012


I know , I'm SERIOUSLY behind the times on game releases. I got Diablo 3 on launch Day, and much like the rest of the world I started playing it a few days later, lol.

I finally beat Diablo 3 on inferno, it was after they nerfed inferno so I dont get much nerd cred from the picture below:

And right after that I had Bonnie hop on her Demon Hunter and I pretty much solo'ed Diablo again to get the co-op achievement and to get her the achievements and banner sigil unlocks.

I'm not going to have a long drawn out post about the game just a quick summary. Diablo 3 doesn't feel like Diablo. I played the ever loving crap out of D1, D2, and D2 Hellfire just fun games. A vast array of builds, self stat assignment , skill trees and creepy awesome levels and just generally a lot to do. Now not to take anything away from Diablo 3 it was quite a fun game, the first three times you run through it (this was pre-inferno nerf) but some of the mixes of elite mobs we just a gear check had nothing to do with skills or player ability. Now that they eased the gear check people are complaining the games too easy, when in fact the game isnt too easy unless you have the exact build for your class the developers wanted you to have.

Even moderately geared you can take down every story boss super easily (and almost all the elite mixes without too much difficulty) using this build:

Now that Ive beaten D3 on inferno with my barb I really dont see myself getting the other classes through inferno, and that's just a testament to how repetitive this game is. Each act can be beaten in under an hour, but I'll never get that achievement or the hardcore ones.


1 comment:

ZeroAnd09 said...

I've been on the fence about getting Diablo III for a long time now. I think yours is the final nail in the coffin now that they hype has died down.