Monday, March 19, 2012

Back into the Wasteland Part A

I know what youre thinking "Didnt this game come out in oh ten?" it did. This "review" is for the people like me, who had a bad taste in their mouth from F3 and may have other wise passed over this title.

And back to the west coast, where Fallout belongs. First things first, the title of the game is deceptive, I'm over 10 hours in and Vegas is still off in the horizon. I'm on my first play through so I'm trying to do as much as I can on the initial play through, so I know what I can skip next time. I'm sure if I lowered my head, holstered my guns, and ran full speed, I could be losing all my caps at blackjack as we speak.

Let me start by saying this game *FEELS* more like Fall Out , much more so than Fall Out: Washington DC. My MAJOR gripe with FO:DC was the zombieeeeerrrrrr Feral Ghoul population, Im pretty sure I single-handedly cleaned out every single one from the subway tunnels (with almost no gun skills but man was a smooooooooth talker). Thankfully there have been a relatively small number of "Feral Ghouls" to dispatch this go `round, I killed more of those in DC than Ive killed zombies in all the Resident Evil games combined.

The writing, dialog, everything feels more Black Isle Studios. I've done a little reading at No Mutants Allowed ( ) and found out the reason for this is some ideas from Van Buren and some people from the real Fallout 1 and 2 teams worked on this game. I suppose this is the closest we'll ever get to a real sequel. If only the instruction book was the same style as the first two games, bound like an old ledger book from grade school

So now some minor complaints. Keep in mind I really like this game so far, so none of this stuff bothers me all that much. First off, the graphics. The seem a little bland and unpolished, and all the interiors of everything seem to look alike. The game is massive so I'm OK with quantity over quality and nothing looks terrible but this game doesn't live up to some of the other 360 titles. Weak mapping and confusing building layouts are counter productive, I ended up drawing maps on paper to find my way around. The one-two punch of the bad layouts is you frequently need to traverse the same floors multiple times, like the REPCONN building.

SAVE FREQUENTLY. Srsly. I was messing around and tried to pick pocket Davison (no spoiler on who/what he is) and I didnt save first, so when I reloaded the save it was firefight central, and I hadn't saved for a good 30 minutes before that. You can save pretty much anytime anywhere so theres no reason not to. This saving mechanic makes it easier to goof off, lets you play in as small of chunks as you want....the downside is it makes the game a tad easier.

A ton of DLC has been released, I may wait until I finish then see if I can pick up a complete collection game cheap or just just get the DLC ala cart. So far Im not hating this game even if I didnt get a poker chip or lunch box with purchase.

I will follow this up after finishing the game or at least getting into the Casinos. Until then, Im out.


PS Operation 100k still isnt done, heh

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