Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Newest Tomb Raiders are REALLY GOOD!

Now I'll be honest I wasn't quite sure how I'd like Lara Croft as a man, but Naughty Dog REALLY pulled it off. I can admit it is weird tomb raiding with a male protagonist but if Lara had to sacrifice her tits for tighter gun play and better controls, then it was well worth it.

Now I don't now why they changed her story line from British to American, probably to get rid of that annoying fucking accent, but the whole retcon thing really works well for this title. The story line so far is really pulling me in. Unlocking bonus materials and other little trinkets for finding glowing white dots aka treasures is a nice touch but I think they forgot a mini map and or compass.

I do like Lara's new womanizing mentality to go along with her shiny new penis, I think it just proves what we all knew all along, Lara was always more into women.

I am presently only a few hours in but I'm hoping to finish this game up cause I hear Tomb Raider Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is even better!

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