Thursday, January 28, 2010

Mass Effect

For a change I'm behind the times. With everyone I know wholeheartedly GUSHING about Mass Effect 2, I figured it was time to pick up the original. I can say I am pleasantly surprised so far. I'm only about 90 minutes in but the story has me hooked; not a single cliche` to be found (except maybe that the humans are a blight on the galaxy).

I'm not mad that I only have 1 achievement unlocked either, and I like the game so much I haven't bothered looking at the entire cheevie list. Speaking of, this game better be pretty fucking epic to expect not one, not two, but THREE play-throughs in order to unlock the full 1k, and there better be a new game+ option because you start off pretty crappy at shooting for a marine.

Keeping with the WAY BACK theme, I finally put some hours into Need For Speed: Most Wanted. I am a self admitted gamer score whore and I plan to 1k all the "Need for Speeds", since for some ungodly reason, I have them all. To be honest I don't think its entirely possible, because a few of them require participation in EA's "community race days" so I may have to settle for the high 8 or 9 hundred on those.

Project Need For Speed:
Most Wanted: 9/15 = 165/1000
Carbon 2/50 = 25/1000
Undercover 7/50 = 80/1000
Pro Street 40/50 = 865/1000
Shift: 8/29 = 325/1000

Gamer tag? LLiNRAC

1 comment:

ZeroAnd09 said...

I'm still working through the first Mass Effect myself. It's decent, but the vehicles sections are such a drag. It was easy to get distracted with Prince of Persia and Borderlands. Yes, there is a new game+ option. First play's level cap is 50, second time through is 60.