Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Good News!

Well, the good news is a red ringed Xbox 360 can still charge a Zune thats hooked up via USB. Which is great except for the fact that it can't play any video games, which is its fucking primary purpose.

Yes, that right. I am now a card carrying member of the 3MMRR (Multiple Red Rings within 3 months of each other) Club and entitled to all expressed rights. Unfortunately, most of those rights are sitting idly by while my friends gamerscores climb and taking losses for free in my Culdcept League.

It turns out that as long as you do the replacement online, the option to have a fully paid box sent to you is still on the table. I suspect its also available if you call, but who the hell wants to argue with overseas "Stan" or "Jill" or whoever picks up.

The real good news is that for the next 3 to 4 business weeks (an impossible measurement) I'll have nothing but anger in my heart when I think about gaming and it will be easy to tear into all these games that I've been playing and share my bile with you. Granted, a great majority of them are fantastic games that will be tough to tear down, but for you gentle readers, I will find a way to hate Fallout or die trying.

Okay, Fallout may be a stretch, but Silent Hill Origins, you're in for it!


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